Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Presby Proud

Presbyterian leaders voted to allow gay clergy, but not gay marriage, during the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly last week. But PBS's Religion & Ethics Newsweekly reports that the measure now goes to the presbyteries, or local jurisdictions, which have previously rejected resolutions to ordain gays and lesbians.

Read more:

You know my good friend Flip once sat me down and tried with a good deal of patience tried to explain to me that being gay is not a matter of sexual choice but orientation. Naturally my strong right wing conservative back ground rebelled against what he was suggesting... that people are born attracted to same sex and it is not a choice. That no sane or reasonable person would ever choose to be gay in Texas. He has been both.

I don't have gay children. I am not gay. I do not have gay family members that I am aware of but even at an early age I could not get on board with making gay people to be villains. The older I get the more I see the way we, as a society, treat gay people is like the way blacks, and women have been treated in the past. The older I get I am opposed to Don't ask, Don't tell, ban on marriage, and any number of ways we thumb our noses at people because they are different. My old philosophy used to be, "How can it be wrong if there is love involved?" but that is evolved to a simple discrimination is wrong. I am happy to be Presbyterian and have made this big step, now lets regroup and marry some of these people off.

Geez I hope I don't have to give up making gay jokes over this.

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