So just a bit of a recap:
Mother Y2K had surgery this morning and we had better news than the doctors were predicting. Hopefully we will have her home and recovered quickly.
Jr. is off on his first entrepreneurial endeavor as he is a salesman for FFA Blue Gold meat products. And yes, I was one of the first that got to say, "I'll buy some of the gold meat but the blue sounds like it might be spoiled." PeePaw was the second and my co-worker was the third. Nerds all of us.
I rented a stack of 5 for $5 for five days videos. So far I can say there was a disappointing lack of nudity in the Resident Evil Extinction flick, and the critics were right, Brad Pitt's The Assassination of Jessie James sucked ass. I suspect if they would have added just one car chase and maybe a 15 minutes of Wedding Crashers sex humor and it would have made bank. But Nooooooooooooo, they went all artsy so nobody could stomach the freakin thing.
I took off tomorrow. No special reason other than I had the time in annual leave that either needed to be used or lost. So I used it for a long 4 day weekend. It will be over before I realize. Oh a local dude running for US Senate called and asked me to march in the parade with him. I am not special, I think he got my name off a sign in sheet at the local Democratic Meeting. They even offered a free T-Shirt. You know...? I should make him a deal. I will be in the parade wearing his Vote for Andrew Rice T-Shirt if her would wear one of my "Ball Licking Man" T-shirts! OMG it would be a marketing gold mine! I wonder if his phone number is still in my cell phone?
3 weeks ago
Glad to hear about Mother Y2K. Hope she gets better soon!
Thank you for your concern
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